Sunday, January 23, 2011

True Colors

"Covered by Your love divine, child of the risen Lord, to hear You say this one's heart is spoken the power of the cross You've taken what was lost and made it fully Yours." ~ Mercy Me, Spoken For

How wonderful truth is. It's beautiful to know that in a world where families are falling apart on a daily basis and friendships, it seems, are not worth the effort, that we have our Christ.    You know....I don't always think like this.  Sometimes it feels like I'm in a bloody battle with the flesh, warring against anger and other emotions.  Lots of my battles stem from when I was a child and because of the craziness that went on, I now have siblings that, if it weren't for social networking, we wouldn't know if the other was alive or not.  I've considered making the blog into a "New vs. Old" journal.  But to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to bare ALL of my thoughts to anyone other than the Lord.  Isn't that true for all of us?  Imagine that for an entire week, 24/7, your thoughts were recorded. All of the lust, hate, pride, slander, wrong motives, gossip, idleness, anger, etc.  Imagine now, that this coming Sunday in the biggest church in your community, they were going to play that uncensored recording for the entire city.  How many friends or co-workers would want to be around you after that?  What would your parents think? Would children be allowed in the room??  For the men, what would the girls think after they saw what went through your mind?  Has every thought been pure?  Ladies, what would the men think about you? Was every motive pure? The truth is, that our lives are being recorded. We are completely bare and nothing is hidden before the Lord so when you feel yourself in a battle with the flesh, things like anger, for example....remember that.  Remember that God sees what no one else sees.   Perhaps you had a childhood filled with brokenness and to this day you are seeing the sour fruit of that.  Maybe you find yourself so angry sometimes that it hurts and you are tempted turn in whatever direction that will make you feel better temporarily, like hateful music so you can let all of your frustration out.  But may I encourage you to use that energy and focus on the Lord.  Seek Him.  Seek and you shall find.  Knock and the door will be opened.  
You see, just like the lyrics said...we ARE "covered by His love divine" and "by the power of the cross, He has taken what was lost, and made it truly His"  WOW :)  That means, that we can take our  sinful thoughts & all of our hurts and all of our tears....straight to Him...and we are covered.  For in Christ, there is no condemnation.  When we are in the middle of battle and we re-direct our energy toward Him, laying all of our thoughts before Him, confessing our sin and that He is Lord, He begins to heal our hearts, light our paths, wipe our tears and erase our fears.  Our weeping turns into joy, our weakness becomes our strength because His grace IS sufficient :) and our strength and faith is renewed.  Then...the next time we are tempted to be angry and do battle on our own, we are a little bit stronger and find ourselves at the foot of the cross, which is exactly where we need to be.  Love you all...