Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ever Heard?

Ever heard an "open air" preacher?  Things can get pretty intense.  Though some are sure to disagree with this approach,it's a part of historical Christianity. The main goal is that the gospel is preached. Sure, there are some fanatics, but aren't there fanatics everywhere, religion or no religion?  In Scripture, the disciples were not popular and certainly weren't politically correct.  There is a fine line though.  That is why, when sharing the gospel, whether your gift is to big crowds or one on one, we must pray for boldness and wisdom.  We must share in love. Let us not be so quick to judge one another for our approaches to sharing the gospel.  Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and rather than back biting one another, we should pray for & encourage each other to go and share our faith while we still have time.  If you know someone that shares their faith in a way that you don't understand or that offends you, take it to God first, then, compare it to Scripture, then if you are still uncertain...go to the person, in love.  Ask questions.  Remember that iron sharpens iron :)

On that note...

For those of you are on the front lines, sharing your faith...this clip may help you next time you are talking with someone who says..."what's true for you is not what's true for me" :) It's a little humorous as well lol so enjoy :)

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